An invited competition entry for a multi-residential, retail and hospitality mixed-use development located next to the popular Brockwell Park, South London. The scheme comprises 19 residential units of varying sizes, featuring generous balconies and views over the hilly and leafy park opposite. At ground floor the scheme proposes an overhaul of the existing retail promenade, incorporating the adjacent viaduct arches into a larger retail and hospitality masterplan.

The proposal takes cues from the extensive late-Victorian and early-Edwardian local context. Drawing inspiration from the area’s distinctive architectural motifs, the design proposes a playful arched colonnade containing hospitality and retail opportunities, complementing the pub’s active frontage and enhancing the overall street vibrancy. On the top level, a series of brass arched dormers sit lightly on the building superstructure, providing an ornate and sculptural feel that seeks to resonate with the characteristic surroundings’ aesthetics.

It is envisioned that the proposal could extend further, adopting the adjacent railway arches into the scheme. This expansion aims to create a broader marketplace destination, enhancing the area’s appeal and vitality.